Cow Parsley becomes the 193rd species of the year, while the path is a veritable explosion of leaves. Daisies have been up for a while and are in flower. Hairy Bittercress is widespread between the gravel chips on the path margins and its small white flowers are appearing. Two species of legume are pushing through, one of which I think is Red Clover based only on the leaves' pale chevrons. I won't record that one until I'm sure, but I think it's a diagnostic feature. The other I took a sample of leaves and I'll see if it can be got at with Poland. Many of these plants I'm tempted to record only when they come into flower, but knowing the date of leaves appearing must have some value too. Besides that, it's a good exercise for me in vegetative ID.
Messrs Poland, Stace and Rose will be spending a fair amount of time with me in the coming months I'm sure.
Cow Parsley, Anthriscus sylvestris |
Away from the green stuff, Tufties have increased to 9 this morning, with 5 drakes in full tuft. Teal also are showing signs of getting frisky, with some pairs already having peeled off from the main crowd.
Back to green stuff - since finding a somewhat extravagant Snowdrop flower previously I checked a few of the many (>200 clusters) on the reserve and found this more normal flower
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