The large willow in the car par has been providing lots of entertainment with its profusion of catkins in flower. During the day the hum of honey bees is pretty loud. Maybe someone close has a hive.
Bombus terrstris and
Andrena Clarkella are the only other bees I've seen at it so far. The golden dung fly
Scathophaga stercoraria is also a big fan as well as pollen beetles as-yet-unidentified.
Two species of Egle - anthomyid flies, or flower flies - have been caught so far =
E.ciliata and
Last night, though, it was the turn of the nocturnal visitors...
Dotted Border |
Common Quaker |
Mottled Grey |
Hebrew Character |
Rhigognostis incarnatella |
Even at only 5 degrees it was pretty busy, with the
Rhigognostis incarnatella (Scothc Smudge)
being new to the reserve and only added to the county list in 2016.
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