Thursday 28 February 2019

Pussy Willow

The large willow in the car par has been providing lots of entertainment with its profusion of catkins in flower. During the day the hum of honey bees is pretty loud. Maybe someone close has a hive. Bombus terrstris and Andrena Clarkella are the only other bees I've seen at it so far. The golden dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria is also a big fan as well as pollen beetles as-yet-unidentified.

Two species of Egle - anthomyid flies, or flower flies - have been caught so far = E.ciliata and E.minuta.

Last night, though, it was the turn of the nocturnal visitors...

Dotted Border

Common Quaker

Mottled Grey

Hebrew Character

Rhigognostis incarnatella

Even at only 5 degrees it was pretty busy, with the Rhigognostis incarnatella (Scothc Smudge) being new to the reserve and only added to the county list in 2016.

Monday 25 February 2019

Cullaloe weekend highlghts

A few things from around the reserve this weekend

Acompocoris alpinus

Marsh Slug (to be confirmed)

Great Diving Beetle

Serpula lacrymans

Lasiosphaeria strigosa

Bertia moriformis

Bertia moriformis

Protapion trifolii - a clover weevil

Common Bladder Snail

Friday 22 February 2019

Good day, sunshine

Amazing 15 degrees at lunchtime

Hungry Salticus scenicus

Nibbled Small Tortoiseshell

1000s of these around in the grasses. 10 on the fence


Overnight actinic 21/02/2019

Satellite (1)
Dotted Border (3)
Pale Brindled Beauty (3)
Mottled Grey (1)
Chestnut (13)

Segestria senoculata - Snake-backed Spider

Has been previously recorded at Cullaloe but first time I've seen it there (I think!)

Thursday 21 February 2019


Second amphibian of the year with one more known to go (Palmate Newt)

Friday 15 February 2019

Tree Bumblebee new to Cullaloe

Not exactly the first bumblebee I was expecting, but there you are. First hoverfly too, though I failed to catch it. The wooden fence was covered in 7-spot ladybirds (well, 7 anyway)

Monday 11 February 2019

(under) water world

With an hour or so free I decided it was time to see what's underneath the water. Not expecting much at this time of year I did at least expect to add water slaters, which I duly did after a fair bit of scooping. These are new to the reserve but it can only be for want of looking.

Some more inevitables (Skylark, Thrush, Trichocera regelationis etc.) added and the third worm of the year plus a nice bonus of a new flea beetle from sweeping stream-side grasses.

Total for the year moves to 428, with a hope of being a good way past 500 come the end of the month. willow catkins are out and daffs are swelling, so looking forward to the upcoming explosion of invertebrate activity!

Cold day. Sky was blue, but too bright to show here!

Mating pair of water slaters

Great Pond Snail

Stenus pubescens in last year's Typha leaves

Confirmation a bonus!
411 R M coleoptera Phratora vitellinae A leaf beetle
412 Lichen Cladonia arbuscula A lichen
413 Fungus Alatospora acuminata aquatic hyphomycete
414 Fungus Dactylella aquatica aquatic hyphomycete
415 moss Racomitrium aciculare Yellow Fringe-moss
416 Lichen Lecidella scabra A lichen
417 Lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum A lichen
418 bird Alauda arvensis Skylark
419 bird Turdus philomelos Song Thrush
420 flowering plant Cardamine hirsuta Hairy Bitter-cress
421 mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis Great Pond Snail
422 R crustacean Asellus aquaticus Water Slater
423 R M annelid Aporrectodea longa Long Worm
424 diptera Trichocera regelationis A Winter Gnat
425 R
coleoptera Stenus pubescens A Rove Beetle
426 R M coleoptera Chaetocnema concinna A flea beetle
427 bird Larus ridibundus Black-headed Gull
428 bird Larus canus Common Gull