Thursday 18 March 2021

Bee aggressive, bee bee aggressive

Another good lunch break at Cullaloe took me over the 250 with some nice big bees and a new/not-new fly. Fly first, since I need to explain. Hydromya dorsalis was in the list of diptera for the reserve but somehow never made it to the total list, so it was recorded, but not counted. Anyway, now it's both and I get to count it as an addition. This was swept on damp pathside, so not a Willow hit.

An actual addition was Andrena clarkella, a female of which evaded me several times the other day, but which I was able to nail down today. Shocking pictures, sadly. However some other new additions today of nice, easy-to-identify with live pictures.

Bombus hypnorum, Tree Bumblebee

Bombus lapidarius, Red-tailed

Saltus scenicus, where it always in when it's sunny

Kidney-spot Ladybird. Not new, but numerous

Tachina ursina. One of my favourites

So here are today's additions, taking us over the quarter way mark to 1k.

249 380 hymen Bombus pascuorum Common Carder Bee
250 380 hymen Bombus lapidarius   Red-tailed Bumblebee
251 170 spider Saltus scenicus         Zebra spider
252 340 diptera Cheilosia grossa       A hover fly
253 340 diptera Meliscaeva auricollis A hoverfly
254 R 340 diptera Hydromya dorsalis     A Snail-killing Fly
255 R 380 hymen Andrena clarkella       Clarke's Mining Bee
256 340 diptera Anatopynia plumipes  A non-biting midge
257 370 butterfly Aglais urticae          Small Tortoiseshell


  1. I keep telling myself that "west is the best" but y'know what..... :/

    1. lichens, bryophytes, marine ... anything oceanic, I guess. Have a feeling I might want to move south by the end of the year!
